Kathy Fujii-Oka threads stories from the gardens of her ancestors to make art that heals. She creates with oil and acrylics on canvas or wood, textiles, mixed media, and assembles large-scale installations. Her interdisciplinary work explores themes of incarceration, immigration, culture, identity, and spirituality, which has become a birthplace of healing as her emotional voice and her ancestors find expression.
Welcome Video by Ikeibi Films
Art and Spirituality
My work is my visual voice that empowers me to speak my truth, search for answers and explore new pathways in life. I surrender my spirit and am an open channel for healing by means of Meditation and the Chakras. Promoting harmony, peace and balance in life is what I strive for.
My work is my visual voice that empowers me to speak my truth, search for answers and explore new pathways in life. I surrender my spirit and am an open channel for healing by means of Meditation and the Chakras. Promoting harmony, peace and balance in life is what I strive for.